Backstage Review: ‘Deer’ at Restless Artist Theater
I found “Deer” mesmerizing as the play explores more than just homicidal insanity. There is a lesson to learn, perhaps? What happens to a person who lives their lives for others when they crave to live the life that calls to them.
Dana Nollsch: Reno Arts News

Backstage Review: Restless Artists Theater Opens Their New Season with ‘Election Day’
Taken altogether, this performance is uproarious, outrageous, fast-paced, and a delight to see. If you want to see the best of our new playwrights, the best directing, and the finest acting available, go see this play. It will welcome you gleefully into the 21st Century.
Dana Nollsch: Reno Arts News

Reno Stage Scene; ‘Popcorn Falls’ at Restless Artists Theatre Company
Popcorn Falls is a funny, fast-paced, comical farce that will leave you entertained and impressed with the comedic skills of these two talented actors. See Popcorn Falls to enjoy the story, but be sure to appreciate the exceptional performances.
Dana Nollsch: Reno Arts News